Business Analytics Using Forecasting


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Course overview

Course type
Free trial availiable
6 hours
Course author
Galit Shmueli


Discover how business can harness the power of big data to make better predictive analysis.
Learn how to use data to create powerful business forecasts

Organisations currently collect a vast quantity of data about suppliers, clients, employees, citizens, transactions, and much more. However, many are unaware of the predictive power this ‘big data’ has if anaylsed correctly.

On this course, you’ll learn about forecasting using big data, exploring how it’s used by business as an important component of decision making.

You’ll examine how to define a forecasting task and workflow. You’ll understand how to evaluate forecasting performance, analysing different forecasting methods. Ultimately, you’ll be able to implement your own practical forecasting process.

Business Analytics Using Forecasting
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available